Monday, May 18, 2020

Team Work - 954 Words

What Makes Teams Work? There are many different and liable responses to this question. Many argue against the notion of teamwork in todays corporations. Others argue that top management alone should control every aspect of operations. While few argue that lower level employees should solely be responsible for decision making within their groups. Throughout this paper I am going to express the opinions of different CEOs and corporate leaders. Finally, I will express my own opinions about the positive and negative aspects of teamwork. Ray Oglethorpe, president of AOL Technologies, considers size as the most important factor in building a successful team. He believes that too many people in a team cause the connections between†¦show more content†¦Sometimes this corrupt method works, but the problems occur when people begin sensing the dishonesty and realize that they are being used. This creates a very bad culture in the organization. On the contrary, the best companies have managers that g et their people to interact in creative ways. This helps prevent deconstructive interactions and conversations among employees. A team needs guidance and something that gives the conversation weight. All the members of a team need to feel as if their say is important and that the conversation is interesting enough to get their say. When these things work, companies dont have to manipulate the thoughts and conversations of teams (referring back to organizational politics). The last approach to viewing teams is that it is the leader who makes a team succeed. A good team leader will create an environment in which people can practice and make mistakes before theyre pressured to produce. Furthermore, a good leader will allow the individuals to manage their own behavior and will focus on the interactions between people. Even though the team leader gives the team guidance, it is the team members that own the outcome. Team leaders are there to bring intellectual, emotional, and spi ritual resources to the team. In conclusion, the environment around a team and the culture of the company best develop it. Sometimes a team will strive without a leader, while other times a team can squander time andShow MoreRelatedTeam Work And Team Effectiveness1897 Words   |  8 PagesExecutive Summary: This report describes and analyzes the statement â€Å"Is establishing team work difficult in organizations†. Thus it focuses on the importance of team work in the organizations and its influence on people’s behaviors. This report begins with the explanation of the terms ‘team’, ‘team work’ and ‘team effectiveness’. 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